Tuesday, January 5, 2021

NMS: Survival Part 2 - A new home

Sunrise on the red planet

I found the distress beacon and it described how a previous traveller was running low on hazard protection and hid underground. They recommended building a base to provide shelter and left some blueprints for building a base computer, as well as instructions for a terrain manipulator for mining resources, digging and filling holes, and flattening terrain. 

I need to find a place to build a base. I climb the nearby hill and watch the sunrise, then use my scanner to find out what resources are nearby. Quite a lot of copper, some salt and paraffinium. The land is mostly rolling hills and prairie with lots of red-purple grass and a few shrubs. As for animals, I've mostly seen birds. I find an unknown building on my scanner and decide to investigate.

The unknown "building"

A stranded Korvax alien

The unknown building turns out to be another distress beacon. An alien is sitting next to it, waiting to be rescued. He tries to talking to me, but I don't understand anything he says except the word "Korvax". He ignores me after that. I continue exploring.

A crashed freighter ship

I find a huge crashed freighter ship. The captain's log says there was a battle between Sentinels and they received a distress signal so they went to investigate. Apparently it didn't go so well. The crashed ship is pretty overgrown - it must have been there for awhile. I cut through some steel doors and find a storage container. I open it and find a bunch of money, but I'm suddenly hit with intense radiation. I have to get out of there! There might be some valuable loot to pillage, but the freighter seems like a death trap and I want to get far away from it. There is a still-functioning summoning station nearby and when I activate it, I hear my starship approach and land. I don't have a lot of launch fuel left, but I take off anyway.

My new base-to-be

I find the harbour and a nice flat plateau looking out over it and decide to call this my new home for now. I set up the base computer and it spits out some blueprints for building wooden walls and floors and roofing. I'm going to need carbon and there ain't a lot of wood around. We'll have to keep it simple, but it would be nice to have a roof over my head instead of a cockpit.

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