Transmissions and messages are found throughout the game that tell a
story about the planet and its previous inhabitants. Below is a rough summary and timeline.
From: Cargo Ship Cirella-IV
Year 3021 - Steep Hill Shipwreck 223:139:1057
While travelling to Stigmar, the ship suddenly left hyperspace and lost
power as though it had been drained somehow. Navigation tools went crazy
as they tried to make an emergency landing on a stormy unidentified
From: Unknown
Year 3034 - Gate Desert Shipwreck 1635:61:-660
The space warp gate took two years to build and was supposed to enable
easy transport across the Izitial Prime sector. As soon as they turned
on the power, something went wrong and the spaceship began plummeting
towards the nearest planet. The crew took to escape pods and a distress
signal was sent.
From: Evren
Year 3035 - Toxic Caves -1355:39:-1464

has written a debriefing report. Their spaceship crashed for unknown
reasons and the cave collapsed on top of them. There were two people
onboard - they are both injured but they have split up to try and find a
way out of the cave to send a distress beacon.
Year 3035 - Toxic Caves -956:48:-1344
says the visibility in the cave is terrible and there's no natural
light or air flow. They will continue to look for a way out.
From: Ozgur
Year 3035 - Toxic Caves -1290:7:-1737
wishes they hadn't changed their itinerary to visit an unexplored part
of the universe. He complains about the dark, the rocks and his sore
Year 3035 - Toxic Caves -742:6:-1798
Ozgur is not sure if it has been 3 days or 3 weeks since the crash, and there seems to be lots of rocks but not many water bottles.
From: Ihklas
Year 3037 - Dune Desert Underground Bunker 1168:2:1291
Ihklas' ship crashed on the planet. He is the last survivor. His health is deteriorating and he desperately needs water.
Year 3040 - Highlands Underground Bunker 1096:9:2382
Ihklas is trying to gather resources to build a launch platform in a
meteor crater sheltered from the winds. The storms have been less
frequent lately but the magnetic fields are crazy.
Year 3041 - Meteor Crater Underwater Bunker -306:-2:1353
Ihklas thought he had found the perfect place to build a launch
platform, but visibility is terrible. Can't send anything until the fog
lifts. In the meantime, he'll try building a base higher up on the
meteor crater rim.
Year 3041 - Meteor Crater Underground Bunker -612:76:1525
Ihklas tried to send a message 91 times, unsuccessfully.
Year 3041 - Meteor Crater Underground Bunker -595:76:1554
Ihklas can't remember how long he has been on the planet. He
misses his family and wonders if he'll ever see a friendly face again.
He's getting better at surviving but he hopes someone comes to rescue
Year 3041 - Meteor Crater Underground Bunker -634:70:1548
Ihklas is considering staying on the planet. He's found
enough ice to drink, his food is growing and he has set up solar panels
and found some comfort. He does worry about dying alone. There is also
something strange about the planet; he's not sure what, but it seems to
be making him want to stay.
Year 3042 - Cenote -127:-4:2170
Ihklas vows to not surrender to the cold, dusty planet. A multitool
would really help save time, but with or without, he will dig deep to
get the resources to build a rocket and launch platform.
Year 3043 - Grasslands Waterfall Cave 2561:95:1378
Ihklas has finally found the perfect spot to set up his final camp with
everything he needs to survive, despite the cold, harsh environment
Year 3043 - Grasslands Waterfall Cave 2583:107:1422
Ihklas doubts anyone will remember him or care if he returns home.
Perhaps he should stay here? He's been changed a lot by this ordeal of
Year 3043 - Grasslands Waterfall Cave 2605:96:1457
Ihklas has finally got the resources to build the extraction platform.
He thinks it will take a year to build it and escape the planet.
Year 3044 - Grasslands Waterfall Cave 2729:115:1329
Ihklas left a farewell message to the planet with its unsolved mysteries
at the launch platform on his last day. There are collapsed rocket
supports on the launch platform. Maybe he escaped the planet after all?
From: Unknown
Year 3042 - Grand Rift Shipwreck 2196:0:621
A private scavenger is given a mission to explore and discover why so
many ships have disappeared or crashed in the Izitial Prime sector.
Secondary mission includes searching for life and reporting any wrecks
to the appropriate corporations.
From: Cinitat-II
Year 3043 - Waterfall Cave -959:90:523
A five-week space cruise in a lesser known part of space ended in
disaster, with the ship crashing and many dead. Only a few survived, and they buried their shipmates in the nearby cave.
From: Jermyi
Year 3047 - Lush Desert Bunker 147:42:-1648
Jermyi has found some weathered and eroded remains of what appears to be an advanced civilisation, but the planet is in a region of uninhabited space so that doesn't make sense.
Year 3047 - Lush Desert Bunker 157:42:-1658
Jermyi is convinced it really is evidence of another civilisation - perhaps that race that vanished many years ago? He wants to send the information out ASAP, but he hasn't setup communications and there is a bad storm approaching.
From: Unknown (possibly to Jermyi?)
Year 3047 - Lush Desert Bunker 157:42:-1657
A private scavenger is given a mission to explore and discover why so
many ships have disappeared or crashed in the Izitial Prime sector.
Secondary mission includes searching for life and reporting any wrecks
to the appropriate corporations. [Same message as seen in the Grand Rift wreck]
From: Sentinel Corp
Year 3055 - Wastelands Landing Pod -263:37:-696
You have reached your assigned planet. Increase terraformation by
generating oxygen, heat and pressure. Your first goal is to reach
175,000 Ti to get a blue atmosphere. [Xiaodan's mission]
From: Xiaodan
Year 3055 - Wastelands Underground Bunker -325:29:-699
Xiaodan was disappointed by his landing site but optimistic that he will
be able to terraform the planet, if he has good weather and not too
many meteors.
Year 3055 - Wastelands Underground Bunker -327:23:-708
The mission is not going well. Outside is toxic and seeds don't grow
well underground. Planet should be in a better position in about two
years, if he can just survive that long.
Year 3055 - Volcanic Underground Bunker -873:77:-427
Xiaodan has moved to a new camp. It's slightly warmer, but still very
cold. He ran out of food two days ago and is lonely, missing his family.
He can't stay here, but he dreads going back outside.
Year 3055 - Volcanic Undergound Bunker -878:72:-428
Xiaodan feels like a captive in a dungeon and he can't think about anything except how he has been condemned to death.
Year 3055 - Wastelands Underground Bunker -329:11:-709
You have reached your assigned planet. Increase terraformation by
generating oxygen, heat and pressure. Your first goal is to reach
175,000 Ti to get a blue atmosphere. [Many failed missions - room full
of the same message]
Year 3056 - Wastelands Underground Bunker -333:17:-706
Xiaodan desperately needs more iridium to build heaters but can't find
any. There is ice everywhere. This punishment is unfair for such a small
Year 3056 - Wastelands Underground Bunker -335:11:-692
Xiaodan rages against Sentinel Corps, saying they knew it was an
impossible mission and they were never going to pardon him. They only
care about profit and colonization. [Secret room]
Year 3056 - Starting Valley Cave 663:3:302
Xiaodan rages against Sentinel Corps, saying they knew it was an
impossible mission and they were never going to pardon him. They only
care about profit and colonization. [His body and possessions are found
in a small cave under some rocks.]
From: Sentinel Corp, To: You
Year 3058 - Starting Valley Landing Pod 558:2:495
You have reached your assigned planet. Increase terraformation by
generating oxygen, heat and pressure. Your first goal is to reach
175,000 Ti to get a blue atmosphere.
Year 3058 - Transmissions Screen
You are convict GP-8971-L, required to terraform the planet in order
to get all charges dropped. The planet is in the Izitial Prime sector of
space and has been identified as a potential opportunity for future
colonization. [Your mission]
From: Convict GP-8971-Y
Year 3058 - Transmissions Screen
The message was sent from a convict serving as planet crafter on
Migoria-III nearby. They are struggling with the terrible weather and
lack of resources, and request help.
From: Riley, To: You
Year 3058 - Transmissions Screen
Riley found out where you were sent and wanted to give you some
survival tips. He says you are a planet crafter and it is an almost
impossible task. Finding food in wrecks and eventually growing your own
will be essential. Keep an eye out for vegetable seeds. Also, build your
base at a high altitude and try to warm up the planet so the ice
blocking caves will melt.
After reaching the Lakes stage, Riley sent you an encrypted
message about placing ore extractors in different areas to extract
specific resources and rockets are really important to boost generation.
After reaching the Flora stage, Riley sent you a message
about how he has done a deep scan of the planet you are on and there are
some geological anomalies. He suggests you start investigating at
-248:42:93 | |
-464:-40:97 |
After reaching the Insects stage, Riley sent you a message. He's been
working for months on hacking into the Sentinel Corp system and finally
managed to unlock the trading rocket for you (it is normally forbidden
to planet crafters). This should help your survival. Riley doesn't know
if you are still alive, but they hope to see you again.
From: Sentinel Corp, To: You
Year 3058 - Transmissions Screen
Sentinel Corp has been watching your progress. Once you reach the
Insects stage, they send you a message saying that conditions are
suitable for wild larvae to appear on the planet surface and instruct
you to breed bees and butterflies to continue the terraforming. They
also warn you not to use communication devices to contact anyone other
than Sentinel Corp.
From: A Warden
Year ???? - Mushroom River Bunker -447:-41:12

The Warden says people arrived on their home planet of Treha in
spaceships, a few at first, but more came. The new arrivals looked like they could
be the wardens' brothers. Scientists said they had evolved independently, and the
bodies were similar but their minds were quite different. When they
realised just how different, it was already too late.
Year ???? - Mushroom River Bunker -473:-41:18

After years of suffering, the Warden's people decide to leave their home
and go far away from the terror and strife and Others and their
insatiability. They gathered their people into their biggest space
vessel and sought a new home where they could be safe and hidden and
continue their way of life as they had for centuries.
964:68:1744 |
Year ???? - Mushroom River -414:-43:105
The Warden says this underground cave is a blessing - it has lots of
resources and keeps them hidden from space. They look forward to
building a new settlement and fulfilling their destiny.
Year ???? - Ancient City (Super Alloy Cave Bunker) 628:20:2111
It has been generations since the Great Migration. We (the Wardens) do
not forget our story and pass on the information to our children. Our
masters watch the human evolution closely. We see how they were so
primitive but are now powerful, destructive, ever expanding and getting
closer. We thought we were safe, far away, but now we need to find a new
way to avoid them.
Year ???? - Ancient City (Super Alloy Cave Bunker) 653:45:2180
The Orbital Drainage-Defense Device observation log reports the device
is working correctly. If any humans approach the planet, it will drain
their spaceships of energy and prevent communication. This should deter
humans from approaching or colonising this part of space and give the
Warden's people at least several hundred years of peace.
1565:109:2500 |
Year ???? Lost Paradise 1197:123:2931

In the midst of the beautiful lost paradise, the Warden has inscribed a stone tablet, "Once, we lived."
Year ???? Lost Paradise 1102:124:2933
The Warden says that a meteor will hit the planet in a few days and
their civilisation will be destroyed, leaving only ash and dust, no one
to remember their story. They have chosen not to flee this time but meet
their fate. They are proud of who they were and how they kept true to
their values. Like the butterfly, they accept life is beautiful and
Year ???? - Cenote 15:-34:2157
The wardens are a hive mind, taught to focus on serving the united group
rather than being individuals. But when their existence is threatened,
is the urge to survive incompatible with selflessness?
Year ???? - Cenote 227:176:2510
There is a schism amongst the wardens. Some want to survive and not wait
for destruction, even if it means leaving loved ones, who believe fate
is more important than choice, to die. The wardens have left 10
hidden keys across the planet; find them and place them in an extraction
capsule to escape the planet and join the surviving wardens. [Hint: use the warden key detector]
Year ???? - Cenote 295:193:2487
Some wardens question their destiny and believe they can survive, start
over and build a new colony, just like they did before. To their
families and peers who disagree, they are sorry.
From: Sentinel Corp, To: You
Year 3059 - Transmissions Screen
After reaching 5 TTi, Sentinel Corp congratulates you on successfully terraforming the planet but says there is an anomaly that is preventing them from colonizing the planet or extracting you. They give you a recipe for an explosive device and tell you to destroy the anomaly.
Sentinel Corp acknowledges you have destroyed the anomaly and instructs you to use the extraction platform to leave the planet. Your sentence will be re-evaluated depending on "various deviations from the rules" that may have occurred while you were a planet crafter.
From: Riley, To: You
Year 3059 - Transmissions Screen
After destroying the anomaly, Riley sends you a final message, warning you not to trust Sentinel Corp. They don't care about you or any of the planet crafters. Riley has contacted a smuggler's ship and they have agreed to take you off the planet if you collect 250,000 Terra Tokens and place 5 solar quartz in the departure platform inventory. Riley can't promise that the smugglers are trustworthy, but life is unfair and the future is uncertain, but they hope you find a happy ending.